Art & Autobiography

Memo Random by

Memo No. 2l
Hairs on head bristle
against hairs on head. Cheeks mash.
Lips meet zipper-like.

Memo No. 3p
First date pot roast: I-
rish mother cuisine; touched your
lumbar, made you hard.

Memo No. 4p
You cried once in bed.
I asked “why” and pulled you close.
We stopped having sex.

Memo No. 6a
You driving and pull-
ing my cum from me with the
seat belt strapped on tight.

Memo No. 7a
On my knees in the
you-pick field: sweetest white corn
I ever tasted.

Memo No. 7p
October air nips
at naked legs. You taught me
the scent of bay leaves.

Memo No. 9a
Thick with mud, standing
on dinosaur bones, you jacked
me off in the spring.

Dunstan Christopher
Born in Detroit, Dunstan Christopher currently resides near Sunset Junction in Los Angeles, where he wakes every morning to gaze wistfully at the Hollywood sign. He is a writer, designer and musician specializing in screenwriting, poetry and letterpress printmaking. His first chapbook, Motives, was published by the g.e. collective in collaboration with Poetry Flash.

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